Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Document header and metadata


The header contains information about the document (metadata). You specify these metadata by using predefined document attributes, that look like this:

:document-attribute: some-value

Most of the attributes take a value, while others are simple flags without a value, like:


Some of the metadata will be visible in your document, such as :title:, while others are not visible but still affect how your document is generated.

The order of attributes does not matter in Metanorma.

Specifying IHO metadata

In an IHO document, you can specify metadata about:

  • Contributors: working group participants, ballot group members, standardization board members

  • Document info: document type, document stages (draft, published, etc.).

  • Dates: draft dates, revision dates, publishing date, copyright year, etc.

  • Identifiers: document numbers, ISBNs, STD numbers

Other metadata influence how the document is generated and should only be used by advanced users. Please refer to the IHO document attributes.

At a minimum, you will need to specify:

  • Title

  • Metanorma document class as iho

  • Document number

  • Document type, and optionally subtype

  • Document stage

  • Committee

  • Author or editor

Please refer to reference documentation to see the full list of IHO-specific document attributes.
In this section we use the document header from the IHO Style Manual document example to explain.

Document-specific attributes and basic operations

These are the basic document attributes for IHO.

Example 1. Setting basic document attributes for IHO
= Recommended Practice for Preparing an IHO Standards Draft (1)
:docnumber: 987.6 (2)
:docstage: draft (3)
:draft: 3 (4)
  1. IHO document title.

  2. IHO document number. If draft, omit the "P" prefix as it will be automatically added.

  3. IHO document stage.

  4. If :docstage: is draft, enter the draft number in :draft:.

These are operational concerns that are useful for the author.

  • :mn-document-class: must be set in order to set the flavor to IHO.

  • :mn-output-extensions: determines what output to be produced.

Example 2. Setting IHO-specific attributes
:mn-document-class: iho (1)
:mn-output-extensions: xml,html,doc,pdf,rxl (2)
:local-cache-only: (3)
  1. Metanorma flavor. For IHO, enter iho.

  2. Metanorma output formats. For IHO, supported formats are xml, html, pdf, doc and rxl.

  3. Metanorma option to store data cache in the current directory.

Document types and subtypes

IHO offers three types of documents that differ in the level of the obligation of requirements.

The type is to be set via these two attributes:


for the document type


for the document subtype, necessary for certain :doctypes:

Document types, set using the :doctype: attribute, include:


This document is a Standard (default). This document provides mandatory requirements.


This document is a Recommended Practice. This document only provides recommendations, not requirements.


This document is a Guide. This document only provide guidelines, not requirements.

For each of these types, modification documents can be issued by using :docsubtype: with the following values:


This document is the standardization deliverable itself. (default)


This document details amendments made to the base document.


This document details technical error corrections made to the base document.


This document details publication error corrections made to the base document.

Example 3. Setting document type
:doctype: standard (1)
  1. IHO document type.

Example 4. Setting document type with subtype for an Amendment
:doctype: standard
:docsubtype: amendment (1)
  1. IHO document subtype.

Document stages and progress dates

IHO deliverables go through various stages of approval.

The document stage is set via the :docstage: attribute.

Typically, a document goes through these processes:

  1. Started off as a draft. where :docstage: draft is set, and draft number set to 1 :draft: 1. The :copyright-year: should always be set to the current year.

  2. Draft number increases, e.g. :draft: 2, as the working group progresses.

  3. The draft gets balloted by the working group when ready.

  4. Once the balloting group approves the document, it will be represented to the SA standardization board for approval.

  5. After approval, the date of approval should be entered as metadata using :issued-date:.

  6. Once the document is ready to be published, set :docstage: published and remove the :draft: attribute.

IHO documents can also be marked inactive by :docstage: inactive.
Example 5. Setting document stage and progress dates
:docstage: draft (1)
:draft: 3 (2)
:copyright-year: 2021 (3)
:issued-date: 2021-01-01 (4)
  1. Document stage.

  2. Document draft number.

  3. Copyright year of document.

  4. Date of approval by the standards board.

Authorship and other preface information

In IHO documents there are several types of contributor information to be entered:

  • society name

  • standardization committee

  • working group information

    • name of working group

    • members of working group

  • balloting committee members

  • SA standardization board members

In IHO, a working group operate under one of two modes: "individual mode" or "entity mode".

If the working group operates under individual mode:

  • the participants of the working mode should be entered, as individuals

If the working group operates under entity mode:

  • the representatives of entities that are members of the working group are to be entered;

  • the individual participants of the working mode should be entered, as individuals;

  • the entity members of the working group should be entered.

Example 6. Usage of contributor information for an individual mode working group
:society: Computer Society (1)
:committee: C/AISC - Artificial Intelligence Standards Committee (2)
:working-group: Spatial Web Working Group (3)
:wg-chair: Gabriel Rene (4)
:wg-vicechair: Michael Wadden (5)
:wg-secretary: Christine Perey (6)
  1. IHO Society.

  2. IHO Committee sponsor of the document.

  3. IHO working group that produces the document.

  4. Working group chair.

  5. Working group vice chair.

  6. Working group secretary. List of working group members (entity).

Example 7. Usage of contributor information (entity mode working group)
:society: Computer Society (1)
:committee: Standards Activities Board (2)
:working-group: Shared Machine Learning (3)
:wg-chair: Jin Peng (4)
:wg-vicechair: Cheng Hong (5)
:wg-members: Alibaba China Co. Ltd.; Alipay Technology Co., Ltd; ... (6)
  1. IHO Society.

  2. IHO Committee sponsor of the document.

  3. IHO working group that produces the document.

  4. Working group chair.

  5. Working group vice chair.

  6. List of working group members (entity), semi-colon delimited.

Example 8. Entry of balloting group members (entity mode working group)
:balloting-group: Standards Association (1)
:balloting-group-members: 0xSenses Corporation; AAC Technologies; ... (2)
  1. Balloting group name.

  2. Balloting group members.

Example 9. Entry of standardization board members
:std-board-chair: Gary Hoffman (1)
:std-board-vicechair: Jon Walter Rosdahl (2)
:std-board-pastchair: John D. Kulick (3)
:std-board-secretary: Konstantinos Karachalios (4)
:std-board-members: Edward A. Addy; Doug Edwards; ... (5)
  1. IHO Standardization Board Chair.

  2. IHO Standardization Board Vice Chair.

  3. IHO Standardization Board Past Chair.

  4. IHO Standardization Board Secretary.

  5. IHO Standardization Board members, semicolon-delimited.

Table of contents: figures and tables

In IHO documents, a list of figures and tables are often provided in the TOC.

The following Metanorma setting will enable these tables of contents.

Example 10. Enabling figures and tables in the Table of Contents
:toc-figures: true (1)
:toc-tables: true (2)
  1. Enables the TOC for figures.

  2. Enables the TOC for tables.

Other metadata

Every IHO document has a list of keywords (for searching purposes) and is also issued identifiers like the ISBN.

This information can be set as follows.

Example 11. Setting other identifying metadata
:keywords: data fusion, IHO 2830™, shared machine learning, SML, ... (1)
:isbn-pdf: 978-1-5044-7724-6 (2)
:isbn-print: 978-1-5044-7725-3 (3)
:stdid-pdf: STD24807 (4)
:stdid-print: STDPD24807 (5)
  1. List of keywords, comma-delimited.

  2. ISBN-13 for the PDF version.

  3. ISBN-13 for the printed version.

  4. STDID for the PDF version.

  5. STDID for the printed version.

Document history

Semantic markup of document history can be added to the document, using Metanorma extension and Relaton YAML [added in]. The following information is required:

  • The date of the document version.

  • The version of the document.

  • Description of changes.

  • The (personal or corporate) author responsible for the changes.

The author is expected to be specified with an acronym (or initials, in the case of a person); Relaton requires a proper name to be specified for contributors, but the abbreviation field should be used alongside it.

The following illustrates what semantic markup of IHO document history should look like:

== Misc container

=== document history

     - date:
        - type: published
          value:  2012-04
        edition: 1.0.0
        - organization:
            name: International Hydrographic Organization
            subdivision: Transfer Standard Maintenance and Application Development
            abbreviation: TSMAD
          - description: Approved edition of S-102
      - date:
        - type: published
          value:  2017-03
        edition: 2.0.0
        - organization:
            name: International Hydrographic Organization
            subdivision: S-102 Project Team
            abbreviation: S-102PT
          description: >
            Updated clause 4.0 and 12.0.

            Populated clause 9.0 and Annex B.
            - clause=4.0
            - clause=12.0
            - clause=9.0
            - annex=B
      - date:
        - type: updated
          value:  2017-05
        edition: 2.0.0
        - organization:
            name: International Hydrographic Organization
            subdivision: S-102 Project Team
            abbreviation: S-102PT
          description: >
            Modified clause 9.0 based on feedback at S-100WG2 meeting.
            - clause=9.0
      - date:
        - type: updated
          value:  2018-02
        edition: 2.0.0
        - person:
              completename: Cliff Kottman
              abbreviation: CK
          description: >
            Modified clause 9.0. Deleted contents of Annex B in preparation for updated S-100 Part 10C guidance. Added Annex F: S-102 Dataset Size and Production, Annex G: Gridding Example, Annex H: Statement added for Multi-Resolution Gridding, Annex I: Statement for future S-102 Tiling.
            - clause=9.0
            - annex=B
            - annex=F
            - annex=G
            - annex=H
            - annex=I