Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Metanorma JIS document attributes


Document attributes listed below are unique to the processing of JIS documents in Metanorma.

For common document attributes, see Document attributes reference in general Metanorma author’s documentation. That page describes attributes that apply to all Metanorma flavors, not just JIS.

For an introduction to Metanorma AsciiDoc document attributes and how Metanorma uses them, see the corresponding topic.

Document information


Document type. The default is japanese-industrial-standard. Supported values are:

  • japanese-industrial-standard

  • technical-report

  • technical-specification

  • amendment

  • expert-commentary

:title-main-ja:, :title-main-en:

Main title of the document, in Japanese or English.

Example 1. Title of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:title-main-ja: 規格票の様式及び作成方法
:title-main-en: Rules for the layout and drafting of Japanese Industrial Standards
:title-intro-ja:, :title-intro-en:

Introduction to title of the document, in Japanese or English

:title-part-ja:, :title-part-en:

Part title of the document, in Japanese or English

:title-amendment-ja:, :title-amendment-en:

Amendment title of the document, in Japanese or English


The number for the document.

Example 2. Number of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:docnumber: 8301

The part number for the document.


The series for the document. Valid values are listed below (from JISC (eng), JISC (jpn)).

Example 3. Series of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:docseries: Z
Table 1. JIS Symbol and Classification (Coverage items)
Letter Symbol Division


土木及び建築 (Civil Engineering and Architecture)



一般機械 (Mechanical Engineering)



電子機器及び電気機械 (Electronic and Electrical Engineering)



自動車 (Automotive Engineering)



鉄道 (Railway Engineering)



船舶 (Shipbuilding)



鉄鋼 (Ferrous Materials and Metallurgy)



非鉄金属 (Nonferrous Materials and Metallurgy)



化学 (Chemical Engineering)



繊維 (Textile Engineering)



鉱山 (Mining)



パルプ及び紙 (Pulp and Paper)



管理システム (Management System)



窯業 (Ceramics)



日用品 (Domestic Wares)



医療安全用具 (Medical Equipment and Safety Appliances)



航空 (Aircraft and Aviation)



情報処理 (Information Processing)



サービス (Service)



その他 (Miscellaneous)



The amendment number for the document.


The edition of the document.

Example 4. Edition of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:edition: 1

Identifier of document that this document is an update of.


The language of the document (supports en, ja) (default: ja)

Example 5. Language of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:docseries: Z

The year associated with the copyright for the document.

Example 6. Copyright year of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:copyright-year: 2019

The ICS code for the document.

Example 7. ICS code of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:ics-code: 01.120

The price code for the document.

Example 8. Price code of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:price-code: 19

(発行日) The date on which the document was published (needed for inner cover page boilerplate).

Example 9. Published date of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:published-date: 2019-07-22
:published-date-ja: 令和元.7.22

(官報掲載日) The date on which the document was announced in the official gazette (needed for inner cover page boilerplate).

Example 10. Announced date of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:announced-date: 2019-07-22
:announced-date-ja: 令和元.7.22
:revdate:, :revision-date:, :revision-date-ja:

(改正) The date on which the document was last updated (needed for inner cover page boilerplate).

Example 11. Revision date of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:revision-date: 2019-07-22
:revision-date-ja: 令和元.7.22
:establishment-date:, :establishment-date-ja:

(制定) The date on which the document was established (needed for inner cover page boilerplate).

Example 12. Establishment date of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:establishment-date: 1951-10-31
:establishment-date-ja: 昭和 26.10.31
Dates are expected to be provided in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2003-01-13. Dates can be provided in the Japanese calendar, by appending -ja to the attribute name, e.g. :announced-date-ja: 平成十五年1月13日. However, without that, Metanorma will translate Gregorian dates to Japanese calendar dates in Japanese-language documents.

Contributor information

Multilingual values

All contributor information values can be specified in multilingual form, by adding -ja or -en after each attribute name.

Example 13. Multilingual values for attribute :fullname:

For :fullname:, the Japanese version would be :fullname-ja:, and the English version would be :fullname-en:.

Example 14. Multilingual values for attribute :investigative-organization:

For :investigative-organization_2:, the Japanese version would be :investigative-organization-ja_2:, and the English version would be :investigative-organization-en_2:.

Authorizing contributors


(主務大臣) The official in charge of the document.

Example 15. Official in charge of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:official-in-charge: 経済産業大臣

Organization contributors


Publisher for this document (default: JIS)

Example 16. Publisher of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:publisher-ja: 日本規格協会
:publisher-en: Japanese Standards Association

Abbreviation of publisher for this document.

Example 17. Publisher abbreviation of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:publisher-abbr: JSA

Path to logo image file of publisher for this document.


Copyright holder for this document (default: JIS)


(原案作成者) Source proposer for this document.

Example 18. Original proposer of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:source-proposer-name: 一般財団法人日本規格協会

Source proposer address for this document.

Example 19. Original proposer address of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:source-proposer-address: 〒108-0073 東京都港区三田 3-13-12 三田 MT ビル TEL 03-4231-8530

(審議機関) Investigative organization for this document.

Example 20. Investigative organization of document (JIS Z 8301:2019)
:investigative-organization-ja: 日本産業標準調査会
:investigative-organization-en: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee

(審議部会) Investigative committee for this document. Use only if the chairperson or other representative of the investigative committee is unknown, otherwise use a personal contributor to specify the representative’s name, role, and position (as the inner cover boilerplate note names the committee representative).

In order to be recognised, the role and role description must be given as below. If a position is not given (:contributor-position:), "chairperson" will be supplied, in English or Japanese:

Example 21. Setting investigative committee without chairperson
:investigative-committee: 日本産業標準調査会 標準第一部会
Example 22. Setting investigative committee with chairperson
:investigative-committee: 日本産業標準調査会 標準第一部会
:investigative-committee-representative-name: 酒井 信介
:investigative-committee-representative-role: 部会長
Example 23. Setting investigative committee with chairperson (alternative)
:fullname: 酒井 信介
:role: authorizer
:role-description: investigative committee
:affiliation: ⽇本規格協会⽇本産業標準調査会 標準第⼀部会 (委員会⻑ 酒井 信介)
:contributor-position: chairperson

Subdivision of organization responsible for this document as author and publisher.


Abbreviation of subdivision of organization responsible for this document as author and publisher.

Personal contributors (for document type expert-commentary only)

For the document type expert-commentary, personal authors are supported. For all other document types, only organizations are supported.


Name of personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only)


Given Name of personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only)


Surname of personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only)


Name of organization or company for personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only)


Address of personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only)


Email of personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only)


Role of personal author for this document (for document type expert-commentary only) (default: author)