Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Metanorma M3AAWG sample: vCard Format Specification

To check out Metanorma capabilities for M3AAWG, take a look at the vCard Format Specification sample Metanorma project written in Metanorma for M³AAWG.

Obtain sample source for the document(s) here.

You can use the sample as a starting point for authoring your own M3AAWG documents with Metanorma. Refer to the repository for an overview of how the source is structured.

Building the sample

Cloning the sample repository

Clone the sample repository for Metanorma M3AAWG and change into the directory:

git clone

cd /spec/examples/

Running Metanorma

If you have Metanorma installed on your machine (via one of the package manager), the command is simpler:

metanorma --type m3aawg rfc6350.adoc

If you’re using the Metanorma Docker container, run Metanorma like this:

docker run \
    -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma/ \
    -w /metanorma metanorma/metanorma \
    metanorma --type m3aawg rfc6350.adoc

See the Metanorma Installation page for the various ways Metanorma can be set up.