Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

OGC Modular Specification ("ModSpec") requirements model scheme


This document describes methods used to encode OGC requirements adhering to the OGC Modular Specification (ModSpec).

OGC ModSpec (OGC 08-131r3) specifies a requirements model scheme where requirements are expressed through a set of UML models, with description on how these models are to be treated and presented in OGC standards.

Metanorma provides a special syntax for the encoding and embedding of requirements compliant to OGC ModSpec, for the exporting of machine-readable requirements as well as ModSpec compliant rendering.

This model was developed for OGC, but it can be used in any flavour of Metanorma [added in].

The rendering of ModSpec requirements may vary in different Metanorma flavours from that of metanorma-ogc; the metanorma-ogc rendering is shown here, unless otherwise indicated.

Specifically, the following models in ModSpec are supported:

  • Conformance class

  • Conformance test

  • Requirements class

  • Normative statements

    • Requirement

    • Recommendation

    • Permission (not specified in ModSpec but allowed in ISO 19105, see OGC 08-131r3, 4.20)

The “Conformance suite”, “Conformance module”, “Requirements module” models are not yet supported in Metanorma. Please contact OGC DocTeam if support is required.

In this document, we refer to “recommendations”, “requirements” and “permissions” collectively using the generic term “requirement”.


In some instances, the naming of terms that Metanorma uses in general is used in Metanorma markup instead of the nomenclature used in the OGC Modular Specification (ModSpec):

  • Metanorma uses target to refer to what the requirement is about, rather than the more specific language of the ModSpec, to ensure that requirements are represented consistently within Metanorma.

  • The different types of requirement expressed by Metanorma for ModSpec are about different things, and the more abstract types of requirement are about other requirements.

ModSpec models

A basic understanding of ModSpec is crucial in order to understand how to encode ModSpec-compliant models.

In simplified terms (see OGC 08-131r3, Annex C):

  • A “Requirement class” consists of multiple “Requirements”.

    • All “Requirements” within a “Requirement class” are about the same standardization target type.

  • A “Requirement” is a condition to be satisfied by a single standardization target type.

  • A “Conformance class” consists of multiple “Conformance tests”.

    • A “Conformance class” is associated with a single corresponding “Requirements class”.

    • Each “Conformance test” within the “Conformance class” corresponds to a set of “Requirements” within the corresponding “Requirements class”.

  • A “Conformance test” checks if a set of “Requirements” is met by a single standardization target (an entity).

    • A “Conformance test” has a many-to-many relation with “Requirements”.

    • A “Conformance test” is about a single standardization target.

    • A “Conformance test” can be “concrete” or “abstract” depending on the type of conformance test suite (see OGC 08-131r3, 6.4). A concrete conformance test is typically called as a “conformance test”, while an abstract conformance test is called an “abstract test”.

  • A “Test suite” is “a collection of identifiable conformance classes” (see OGC 08-131r3, 6.4)

    • A “Conformance test suite” contains only “Conformance classes” of the “concrete” kind. Such conformance class can only contain “concrete” conformance tests.

    • An “Abstract test suite” contains only “Conformance classes” of the “abstract” kind. Such conformance class can only contain Abstract tests.

According to the OGC Policy Directives, OGC standards that contain requirements must have those requirements conform to OGC 08-131r3.


Modspec instnace headings are treated like clause headings in HTML output [added in] in order to enable easier hyperlinking of Modspec instances.

  • a section mark glyph (§) is displayed when the mouse is hovered over the Modspec instance heading;

  • when the heading is clicked on, the browser location bar displays the hyperlink with anchor to the Modspec instance.

Encoding syntax


A requirement (in its generic meaning) is encoded via tagged example blocks containing other tagged example blocks and open blocks.

There are two ways to encode a ModSpec instance:

  1. Via definition lists

  2. Via block attributes

The definition lists method is generally recommended for its multi-line syntax but some authors may prefer specifying attributes in the header.

Not all attributes are supported in the block attribute syntax. Specifically, target, indirect-dependency are not supported.
These two methods originate from Metanorma’s general support of the alternative syntaxes for specifying a block attribute list as a definition list. The extension of the definition lists syntax to components is specific to Metanorma OGC.

Instance syntax

In Metanorma, the recommended way to encode a ModSpec instance is via the definition list syntax.

This syntax requires specification of a [%metadata] definition list within a ModSpec instance, which provides the necessary information for the specified model. Values given in the definition list syntax can be fully-formatted Metanorma AsciiDoc text.

A ModSpec model instance is encoded with one of these block types:

  • [requirement] for Requirement

  • [recommendation] for Recommendation

  • [permission] for Permission

  • [requirements_class] for Requirements class

  • [conformance_test] for Conformance test

  • [conformance_class] for Conformance class

  • [abstract_test] for Abstract test

These ModSpec types are available from [added in]

In addition, if the Metanorma generic [requirements] block is used, these values are to be used in the type attribute.

The following two encodings are equivalent:


Attributes that can take rich textual input (Metanorma AsciiDoc input), such as part, conditions, and guidance, are components of requirements in Metanorma.

These can be encoded within the definition list, or in the block attributes syntax using the [.component] role within the ModSpec instance block, on open blocks or example blocks.

Example 1. Example of encoding a ModSpec requirement "part" within the definition list
identifier:: /req/world/hello
part:: Part A of the requirement.
Example 2. Example of encoding a ModSpec requirement "part" in an open block syntax
identifier:: /req/world/hello

Part A of the requirement.
Example 3. Example of encoding a ModSpec requirement "part" in an example block syntax
identifier:: /req/world/hello

Part A of the requirement.

The %metadata definition list may contain embedded levels [added in]; this is needed specifically for steps embedded within a test method.

If you need to insert a cross-reference to a component, for example referencing a specific part of a requirement elsewhere, you can only use the block attributes sequence (as illustrated above).

ModSpec requirement with hierarchical test-method steps
.Encoding of logical models
identifier:: /spec/waterml/2.0/req/xsd-xml-rules
subject:: system
part:: Metadata models faithful to the original UML model.
description:: Logical models encoded as XSDs should be faithful to the original
UML conceptual models.

step::: Step 1
step::: Step 2
step:::: Step 2a
step:::: Step 2b
step::: Step 3

When using ModSpec within other documents that, by default, uses another requirements model scheme (such as non-OGC flavors), it is necessary specify the instance with the model attribute.

Example 4. Encoding a ModSpec instance within a document that uses another requirements model scheme
identifier:: /req/iso-nnnnn/considerations

This is an OGC ModSpec requirement within an ISO document.

Instance attributes

Attributes accepted by a ModSpec instance are as follows. Differentiated types of ModSpec models allow additional attributes.


(mandatory) Identifier of the requirement, such as a URI or a URN. Plain text.

This must be unique in the document (as required by ModSpec), and is also used for referencing and cross-linking between ModSpec instances.

The identifier was previously encoded as label until .

(optional) Subject that the model refers to. Plain text.


(optional) Accepted values are one of:


(default) The instance is a requirement.


The instance is a recommendation.


The instance is a permission.


(optional) The descriptive text for this instance.

In a normative statement, the description key is treated as a synonym of statement, which forms the statement of compliance itself instead of informative, descriptive, text. [added in].

(conditional: only for conformance-related models) The "target" that is being tested against, specified with the identifier of the requirement or requirements class. (Replaces subject in that context.)

The target is only supported in definition list syntax. [added in]
  • When in a conformance test (or an abstract test), specify the corresponding identifier of the requirement that is being tested.

  • When in a conformance class, specify the corresponding identifier of the requirement class that is being tested.


Declares a custom category of provisions labelled and numbered separately to "requirements", "recommendations" and "permissions" [added in].

Example 5. Rendering of a custom category called "Provision"
class:: Provision


class:: Provision

Rendered as:

Provision 1

Requirement 1

Provision 2


(optional) Predefined anchor of the requirement.

By default:

The predefined anchor is used in Metanorma for element referencing though the Modspec identifier is the recommended method for referencing of requirements.

This attribute can also be expressed as:

  • block anchor: [[idvalue]]

  • hash attribute: [#idvalue]

Accepted values

Same as XML IDs. Unaccepted characters (including /) are replaced with _.

Normative statement

Metanorma ModSpec supports the following normative statement types:

  • Requirement (requirement)

  • Recommendation (recommendation)

  • Permission (permission)

The type of normative statement can be specified with using the above values as block types, or by setting the type attribute of a block.

It supports the following attributes in addition to base ModSpec attributes:


(mandatory) The statement to which compliance applies within this provision.

Prior to mn-requirements v0.2.1, the key description is used. description is now a synonym for statement in a provision instance [added in].

(optional) Conditions on where this requirement applies. Accepts rich text.


(optional) A requirement can contain multiple parts of sub-requirements. Accepts rich text. Labelled with a capital alphabetic letter.

A part is distinct from a step (as appears in Conformance test and Abstract test): a part is a component of a requirement, which is itself a requirement. A step is a stage in a process of testing a requirement: it only makes sense within a test method.

(optional) Guidance on how to apply the requirement. Used to avoid numbering of notes or examples as part of the overall document. Accepts rich text. Guidance is always rendered last in ModSpec. [added in]


(optional) A requirement can inherit from one or more requirements (direct dependency in ModSpec terms). Accepts identifiers of other requirements: multiple values are semicolon-delimited. Can be repeated in definition list syntax.


(optional) A requirement can inherit indirectly from one or more requirement classes, which have a different standardisation target from that of the requirement. That requirement class is used, produced, or associated with the current requirement, but its requirements are not inherited by this requirement. Only supported in definition list syntax. [added in]


(optional) A requirement can implement another requirement. Accepts identifiers of other requirements. Can be repeated in definition list syntax [added in].


(optional) Classification of this requirement. The classification attribute is marked up as in the rest of Metanorma: key1=value1;key2=value2…​, where value is either a single string, or a comma-delimited list of values.

requirement, permission, recommendation

A requirement, permission, or recommendation contained within a requirement. The value of the element is its identifier. Only supported in definition list syntax.

conformance-test, abstract-test, conformance-class, requirement-class recommendation-class, permission-class:: A requirement, permission, or recommendation of those categories, contained within a requirement. The value of the element is its identifier. Only supported in definition list syntax. [added in]

conditions, part supported since [added in].
In the default rendering of ModSpec, the statement attribute, descriptions are labelled as Statement for requirements, recommendations, permissions. They are left as Description for all other kinds of ModSpec instances.
Example 6. OGC CityGML 3.0 sample requirement with two parts (definition list)
identifier:: /req/relief/classes
statement:: For each UML class defined or referenced in the Relief Package:
part:: The Implementation Specification SHALL contain an element which represents the
same concept as that defined for the UML class.
part:: The Implementation Specification SHALL represent associations with the same
source, target, direction, roles, and multiplicities as those of the UML class.

This renders in OGC as:

Requirement 1




For each UML class defined or referenced in the Relief Package:


The Implementation Specification SHALL contain an element which represents the same concept as that defined for the UML class.


The Implementation Specification SHALL represent associations with the same source, target, direction, roles, and multiplicities as those of the UML class.

This renders in ISO as:

Table 1. Requirement 1




For each UML class defined or referenced in the Relief Package:


The Implementation Specification SHALL contain an element which represents the same concept as that defined for the UML class.


The Implementation Specification SHALL represent associations with the same source, target, direction, roles, and multiplicities as those of the UML class.

Example 7. OGC CityGML 3.0 sample requirement with two parts (block attributes)
For each UML class defined or referenced in the Relief Package:

The Implementation Specification SHALL contain an element which represents the
same concept as that defined for the UML class.

The Implementation Specification SHALL represent associations with the same
source, target, direction, roles, and multiplicities as those of the UML class.

renders as:

Example 8. OGC CityGML 3.0 sample requirement with two parts
OGC GroundWaterML 2.0 sample requirement
identifier:: /req/core/encoding

All target implementations SHALL conform to the appropriate GroundWaterML2
Logical Model UML defined in Section 8.

renders as:


Requirements class

A “Requirements class” is encoded as a block of requirements_class or using type equals to requirements_class.

A Requirements class is cross-referenced and captioned as a “{Requirement} class {N}” [added in].

Classes for Recommendations will be captioned as “Recommendations class {N}”, similarly for “Requirements class {N}” and “Permissions class {N}”.

Requirements classes allow the following attributes in addition to the base ModSpec attributes:


(mandatory) Name of the requirements class should be specified as the block caption.


(mandatory) The Target Type. Rendered as Target Type.


(optional) Dependent requirements classes. See Requirement, recommendation, permission.


(optional) Indirect dependent requirements classes. See Requirement, recommendation, permission.


(optional) Guidance on requirement class. See Requirement, recommendation, permission.

Embedded requirements (optional)

Requirements contained in a class are marked up as nested requirements.

Example 9. Example from OGC CityGML 3.0
subject:: Implementation Specification
inherit:: /req/req-class-core
inherit:: /req/req-class-construction

renders as:

In this example, both block attributes and definition list syntax is used; the inherit attribute has two values, which are expressed in the definition list.

A requirements class can contain multiple requirements, specified with embedded requirements.

The contents of these embedded requirements may be specified within the requirements class, or specified outside of the requirements class (referenced using the identifier). If the requirement is specified within a definition list, the definition list value is interpreted as the requirement identifier.

Example 10. Example from OGC GroundWaterML 2.0 (definition list)
.GWML2 core logical model
obligation:: requirement
subject:: Encoding of logical models
inherit:: urn:iso:dis:iso:19156:clause:7.2.2
inherit:: urn:iso:dis:iso:19156:clause:8
inherit:: O&M Abstract model, OGC 10-004r3, clause D.3.4
requirement:: /req/core/encoding
requirement:: /req/core/quantities-uom

renders as:

Requirement Class 1
GWML2 core logical model



Target Type

Encoding of logical models







O&M Abstract model, OGC 10-004r3, clause D.3.4






Example 11. Example from OGC GroundWaterML 2.0 (block attributes)
[requirements_class,inherit="urn:iso:dis:iso:19156:clause:7.2.2;urn:iso:dis:iso:19156:clause:8;;O&M Abstract model, OGC 10-004r3, clause D.3.4;"]
.GWML2 core logical model
subject:: Encoding of logical models



Embedded requirements (such as are found within Requirements classes) will automatically insert cross-references to the non-embedded requirements with the same identifier [added in].

Example 12. Example of specifying embedded requirements within a ModSpec instance
.GWML2 core logical model



Encoding requirement

renders as:

Requirement Class 3: GWML2 core logical model

Requirement 1


Requirement 1 /req/core/encoding

Encoding requirement

Conformance class

Specified by setting the block as conformance_class or by using type as conformance_class.

A Conformance class is cross-referenced and captioned as “Conformance class {N}”, and is otherwise rendered identically to a “Requirements class” [added in].

Conformance classes support the following attributes in addition to base ModSpec attributes:


(mandatory) Associated Requirements class. Populated with the identifier of the Requirements class. Rendered as Requirements Class.


(optional) Dependencies of the conformance class. Accepts multiple values, which are the identifiers of other requirements. See Requirement, recommendation, permission.


(optional) Indirect dependent requirements classes. See Requirement, recommendation, permission.

Conformance classes also feature:


(optional) Specified as the block caption.


(optional) Conformance tests contained in a conformance class are encoded as conformance tests within the conformance class block, marked as conformance-test. See Requirements class.

Conformance classes do not have a Target Type (as specified in ModSpec). If one must be encoded, it should be encoded as a classification key-value pair.
Example 13. Example of encoding a conformance class using definition list syntax
classification:: Target Type:Web API
conformance-test:: /conf/core/conformance-success
conformance-test:: /conf/core/tc-op

renders as:

Conformance Class 1


Requirements Class

Requirements Class 1:


Target Type


Conformance tests

Abstract test A.1: /conf/core/conformance-success
Abstract test A.2: /conf/core/tc-op

Example 14. Example of encoding a conformance class using list attribute syntax
[conformance_class,identifier="",inherit="",classification="Target Type:Web API"]

Conformance test and Abstract test

A “Conformance test” can be “concrete” or “abstract” depending on the type of conformance test suite (see OGC 08-131r3, 6.4).

The OGC author should identify whether a standard requires an “Abstract test suite” or a “Conformance test suite” in order to decide the encoding of “Conformance tests” (concrete tests) versus “Abstract tests”.

  • A conformance test is specified by creating a conformance_test block or using type as conformance_test. It is cross-referenced as “Conformance test {N}”

  • An abstract test is specified by creating an abstract_test block or using type as abstract_test, or conformance_test together with abstract=true. It is cross-referenced as “Abstract test {N}” [added in].

Conformance tests support the following attributes and components in addition to base ModSpec attributes:


The associated requirement. Populated with the identifier of the requirement. Multiple semicolon-delimited values may be provided. Rendered as Requirement.


(optional) Dependencies. Accepts multiple values, which are the identifiers of other requirements. See Requirement, recommendation, permission.


(optional) Components of the conformance test. Accepts rich text. [added in]. Allows the following classes:


(optional) Purpose of the test. Rich text. Presented as Test Purpose [added in]


(optional) Method of the test. Rich text. Presented as Test Method [added in]


(optional) Step of the test method. Is expected to be embedded within test-method, and may contain substeps of its own. Rich text. Presented as a numbered list. added in].

Steps can be nested, the nested list order is: arabic, then alphabetic, then roman.


(optional) Method of the test. Rich text. Presented as Test Method Type [added in]


(optional) Purpose of the test. Rich text. Presented as Reference.

Test type

The test type of a Conformance test is encoded as a classification key-value pair.

Conformance tests also feature:

  • Name (optional). Specified as the requirement’s block caption.

Conformance Tests are excluded from the “Table of Requirements” in Word output [added in].
Example 15. Example of Abstract test from CityGML 3.0 (definition list)
identifier:: /conf/core/classes

target:: /req/core/classes

test-purpose:: To validate that the Implementation Specification correctly
implements the UML Classes defined in the Conceptual Model.

test-method-type:: Manual Inspection

description:: For each UML class defined or referenced in the Core Package:

part:: Validate that the Implementation Specification contains a data element
which represents the same concept as that defined for the UML class.

part:: Validate that the data element has the same relationships with other
elements as those defined for the UML class. Validate that those relationships
have the same source, target, direction, roles, and multiplicities as those
documented in the Conceptual Model.

renders as:

Example 16. Example of Abstract test from CityGML 3.0 (block attributes)
target:: /req/core/classes

To validate that the Implementation Specification correctly implements the UML
Classes defined in the Conceptual Model.

Manual Inspection

For each UML class defined or referenced in the Core Package:

Validate that the Implementation Specification contains a data element which
represents the same concept as that defined for the UML class.

Validate that the data element has the same relationships with other elements as
those defined for the UML class. Validate that those relationships have the same
source, target, direction, roles, and multiplicities as those documented in the
Conceptual Model.
Example 17. Example of Abstract test from DGGS (definitions list)
identifier:: /conf/crs/crs-uri
target:: /req/crs/crs-uri
target:: /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list-A
target:: /req/crs/fc-md-storageCrs
target:: /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list-global
classification:: Test Type:Basic
test-purpose:: Verify that each CRS identifier is a valid value
For each string value in a `crs` or `storageCrs` property in the collections and collection objects,
validate that the string conforms to the generic URI syntax as specified by[RFC 3986, section 3].

. For http-URIs (starting with `http:`) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.1.

. For https-URIs (starting with `https:`) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.2.
reference:: <<ogc_07_147r2,clause=15.2.2>>

renders as:

Abstract Test 1



/req/crs/crs-uri, /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list A, /req/crs/fc-md-storageCrs, /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list-global

Test Purpose

Verify that each CRS identifier is a valid value

Test Method

For each string value in a crs or storageCrs property in the collections and collection objects, validate that the string conforms to the generic URI syntax as specified by RFC 3986, section 3.

  1. For http-URIs (starting with http:) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.1.

  2. For https-URIs (starting with https:) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.2.


OGC-07-147r2: cl. 15.2.2

Test Type


Example 18. Example of Abstract test from DGGS (block attributes)
[abstract_test,identifier="/conf/crs/crs-uri",classification="Test Type:Basic"]
target:: /req/crs/crs-uri
target:: /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list-A
target:: /req/crs/fc-md-storageCrs
target:: /req/crs/fc-md-crs-list-global

Verify that each CRS identifier is a valid value

For each string value in a `crs` or `storageCrs` property in the collections and collection objects,
validate that the string conforms to the generic URI syntax as specified by[RFC 3986, section 3].

. For http-URIs (starting with `http:`) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.1.

. For https-URIs (starting with `https:`) validate that the string conforms to the syntax specified by RFC 7230, section 2.7.2.



Cross-referencing ModSpec instances


Similar to when specifying attributes for ModSpec instances, it is preferred to refer to other instances using identifiers, rather than the numbered labels allocated by default.

Metanorma treats both cross-referncing mechanisms as fully equivalent, and will render them in the same way, as a numbered label (Requirement Class 6).

In OGC, it is preferred to show the identifier of a ModSpec instance in a cross-reference, like instead of Requirement Class 6.

Referencing using instance identifiers

Modspec in Metanorma supports anchor aliasing: the identifier of the requirement can be used in cross-references as an alias of the anchor.

This is the preferred method to cross-reference Modspec instances, through its identifier instead of the predefined anchor.


This is due to the following reasons:

  • not all ModSpec instances are assigned predefined anchors, especially when using model-based generation.

  • using predefined anchors precludes automated manipulation of the identifier base path.

Metanorma will automatically map the anchor it allocates to requirements to identifiers, so users do not need to supply the anchor alias mappings manually.

Example 19. Cross-reference to a ModSpec instance using its identifier, displaying the instance’s name

For a requirement such as:


The following cross-reference:


Renders (assuming that this is the 10th Requirement):

As a limitation of syntax, URIs cannot be processed correctly within [..]. The xref:…​[] command needs to be used instead.

Referencing using predefined anchors

The anchor of the requirement can be used in a normal cross-reference.

Example 20. Cross-reference to a ModSpec instance using a predefined anchor

Renders (assuming that this is the 10th Requirement):

Cross-reference rendering

Following Modspec practice, all cross-references to Modspec instances from within another Modspec instance are rendered along with the URI identifier of that instance where available; the URI is truncated with reference to an identifier base (see Identifier base pattern).

So a reference to [id1] or to [] made within a Modspec instance will render as

If the reference occurs outside a Modspec instance however, e.g. in a normal clause, it will be made like any other cross-reference to a requirement, without the URI.

Clause 7.3.2, Requirement 10

If you want the reference made outside a Modspec instance to render as if it is inside a Modspec instance, with the URI, use style=modspec%:



To make the cross-reference render the URI identifier value of the instance itself, while still hyperlinking to the correct identifier, you can specify style=id% as the cross-reference text, as follows.

Example 21. Cross-reference to a ModSpec instance using its identifier, displaying the instance’s identifier

Renders as:

This will also highlight the URI text as subject to truncation, with reference to identifier bases.

In some flavours (ISO as of this writing), the automatically generated cross-references within requirements (listings of provisions, tests, child and parent requirements) is different from the default rendering of cross-references in documents. In order to use the same cross-reference style as occurs inside of requirements, you can specify style=modspec% [added in].

For example, in ISO, in the main body of text



Renders as:

Requirement 2: Widgets

Table 9, Requirement 2

Identifier base pattern

This functionality is first implemented in [added in].

A ModSpec instance can be cross-referenced from other parts of the document, with the reference text used to identify the ModSpec instance named either according to its:

ModSpec instances need to be assigned unique identifiers, which are typically either URIs, URNs or URLs.

These identifier types utilize a hierarchical pattern. If two identifiers share a common prefix, it means that the two identifiers can be grouped semantically at some level.

In well-structured standards (in OGC and others), ModSpec instances often share a common identifier prefix. For example, a defined, document-wide identifier prefix is used as the "base" for all ModSpec identifiers.

Example 22. Document-wide identifier prefix with ModSpec instances using that prefix

OGC WaterML 2.0 applies a document identifier prefix:

When cross-referencing a ModSpec instance using its identifier, the references can be lengthy to read.

If a document-wide identifier "base prefix" is defined, Metanorma will omit the base prefix in the rendering of ModSpec instances when using the identifier as reference text.

There are the following ways of specifying an identifier base prefix:


The document attribute :modspec-identifier-base: is used to specify the identifier base prefix for the entire document.

ModSpec class instance

An identifier base prefix can be defined inside a ModSpec class instance (e.g. Requirements class), using the definition list tag identifier-base.

ModSpec instance

An identifier base prefix can be defined inside a ModSpec instance (e.g. Requirement), using the definition list tag identifier-base.

The behavior is specified as follows:

  • If an identifier base prefix is specified document-wide:

    • When a ModSpec instance or class instance is cross-referenced using its identifier, the identifier base prefix will be removed from the identifier in the reference text.

  • If an identifier base prefix is specified on a ModSpec class instance (e.g. Requirements class):

    • This identifier base prefix overrides any value specified in :modspec-identifier-base:, if any.

    • The identifier base prefix specified will apply to all its ModSpec instances (e.g. Requirements in the Requirements class) unless overridden.

    • When a ModSpec class instance is cross-referenced using its identifier, the identifier base prefix will be removed from the identifier in the reference text.

  • If an identifier base prefix is specified on a ModSpec instance (e.g. Requirement):

    • The identifier base prefix specified on the instance overrides all higher level identifier base prefixes;

    • The identifier base prefix specified on the instance’s class (e.g. Requirements class) overrides any value specified in :modspec-identifier-base:, if any;

    • When the instance is cross-referenced using its identifier, the identifier base prefix will be removed from the identifier in the reference text.

An identifier base specified on a requirement applies to all ModSpec requirement cross-references rendered within that requirement. The identifier base truncation is applied to cross-references rendered as just the identifier (style=id%), but it is also applied to the identifiers incorporated inside of normal cross-references, and to the identifier labels of requirements.
Example 23. Setting a document-wide identifier base prefix

Refer to
xref:[] and

description:: Some description.

statement:: A requirement.

Renders as:

Refer to /req/class1 and /req/class1/req1.

Requirements class 1



Normative statement

Requirement 1: /req/class1/req1


Some description.

Requirement 1



Included in

Requirement class 1: /req/class1


A requirement.

Example 24. Setting a identifier base prefix at a class instance
description:: Some description.

statement:: A requirement.

Renders as:

Requirements class 1



Normative statement

Requirement 1: /class1/req1


Some description.

Requirement 1



Included in

Requirements class 1: /class1


A requirement.

Example 25. Setting identifier base prefixes for document-wide and at the class instance level



statement:: See also xref:[style=id%].

statement:: See also xref:[].

Renders as:

Requirement class 1



Normative statement

Requirement 1: /class1/req1

Requirement class 2



Normative statement

Requirement 2: /req/class2/req2

Requirement 1



Included in

Requirements class 1: /class1


See also /class2/req2

Requirement 2



Included in

Requirements class 2: /req/class2


See also Requirement 1: /req/class1/req1

Rendering of ModSpec instances

ModSpec instances are rendered in a table format.

This rendering method is consistent with prior OGC ModSpec practice.
  • For HTML rendering, the CSS class of the ModSpec specification table is the type attribute of the requirement.

    The following types are recognised:

    • No value for Requirements

    • conformance_test for Conformance tests

    • abstract_test for Abstract tests

    • requirements_class for Requirements classes

    • conformance_class for Conformance classes

    The default CSS class currently assigned for HTML rendering is recommend.
  • The heading of the table (spanning two columns) is its name (the role or style of the requirement, e.g. [permission] or [.permission]), optionally followed by its title (the caption of the requirement, e.g. .Title).

  • The title of the table (spanning two columns) is its identifier attribute.

  • The initial rows of the body of the table give metadata about the requirement. They include:

    • The obligation attribute of the requirement, if given: Obligation followed by the attribute value

    • The subject attribute of the requirement, if given: Subject, followed by the attribute. The subject attribute can be marked up as a cross-reference to another requirement given in the same document. If there are multiple values of the subject, they are semicolon delimited [added in].

    • The inherit attribute of the requirement, if given: Dependency followed by the attribute value. If there are multiple values of the attribute, they are semicolon delimited.

    • The indirect-dependency attribute of the requirement, if given: Indirect Dependency followed by the attribute value. If there are multiple values of the attribute, they are semicolon delimited.

    • The classification attributes of the requirement, if given: the classification tag (in capitals), followed by the classification value.

  • The remaining rows of the requirement are the remaining components of the requirement, encoded as table rows instead of as a definition table (as they are by default in Metanorma).

    • These include the explicit component components of the requirement [added in], which capture internal components of the requirement defined in ModSpec.

      These are divided into two categories:

      • Components with a class attribute other than part are extracted in order, with the class name normalised (title case), followed by the component contents. So a component with a class attribute of conditions will be rendered as Conditions followed by the component contents. In the foregoing, we have seen components defined in ModSpec: test-purpose, test-method, test-method-type, conditions, reference. However the block attribute syntax allows open-ended component names.

      • Components with the class attribute part are extracted and presented in order: each Part is rendered as an incrementing capital letter (A, B, C and so on), followed by the component contents. Any cross-references to part components will automatically be labelled with the identifier of their parent requirement, followed by their ordinal letter.

    • Components can include descriptive text (description), which is interleaved with other components.

    • Components can include open blocks marked with role attributes. That includes the legacy Metanorma components:

      • [.specification]

      • [.measurement-target]

      • [.verification]

      • [.import]

Legacy usage

Specifying instances using block attributes

Traditionally in Metanorma, the following two encoding syntaxes are considered equivalent.

  • In the definition list syntax, where a [%metadata] definition list within a ModSpec instance provides the necessary information for the specified model, as described in Instance syntax.

  • In the block attributes syntax, the necessary information is provided as an attribute list to the block. Values contained in the attribute list must be in plain text.

The block attributes syntax is now deprecated as the syntax only supports plain text values, and does not support rich text or complex values.

This limitation means that when used with components, the block attributes syntax must also be mixed with the definition list syntax.

Attributes that can take rich textual input (Metanorma AsciiDoc input), such as part, conditions, and guidance, are components of requirements, and have to be encoded in the block attributes syntax using the [.component] role within the ModSpec instance block, on open blocks or example blocks.

Example 26. Example of encoding a ModSpec requirement "part" in an open block syntax
Part A of the requirement.
Example 27. Example of encoding a ModSpec requirement "part" in an example block syntax
Part A of the requirement.

Conversely, in definition list syntax, not only components such as part and conditions, but also description for descriptive text, can be specified in the definition list. (In block attributes syntax, descriptive text is left as normal text.)

The definition list may contain embedded levels [added in]; this is needed specifically for steps embedded within a test method.

If you need to insert a cross-reference to a component, for example referencing a specific part of a requirement elsewhere, you can only use the block attributes sequence (as illustrated above).

The following two examples demonstrate encoding of a ModSpec requirement that are encoded in Metanorma XML identically (and therefore rendered identically in output).

ModSpec requirement in definition list syntax
.Encoding of logical models
identifier:: ogc/spec/waterml/2.0/req/xsd-xml-rules
subject:: system
part:: Metadata models faithful to the original UML model.
statement:: Logical models encoded as XSDs should be faithful to the original
UML conceptual models.

step::: Step 1
step::: Step 2
step:::: Step 2a
step:::: Step 2b
step::: Step 3
ModSpec requirement in block attributes syntax
.Encoding of logical models

Metadata models faithful to the original UML model.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2a

Step 2b

Step 3

Logical models encoded as XSDs should be faithful to the original UML conceptual

These two syntaxes can be mixed.

Legacy Metanorma OGC AsciiDoc syntax

For legacy reasons, a second Metanorma OGC AsciiDoc syntax is permitted for recommendations, requirements and permissions.

In this syntax, Metanorma AsciiDoc tables are used to express the data needed for requirements:

  • Type of requirement. Specified in the first table cell, one of Recommendation, Requirement or Permission.

    • Optionally followed by a number (which is ignored in parsing; the elements are renumbered automatically in rendering.)

  • Internal label. First paragraph of the second table cell.

  • Body of requirement. Second and subsequent paragraphs of the second table cell.

|Recommendation |/ogc/recommendation/wfs/2 +

If the API definition document uses the OpenAPI Specification 3.0,
the document SHOULD conform to the
<<rc_oas30,OpenAPI Specification 3.0 requirements class>>.

Legacy ModSpec type keywords

These values for the ModSpec model type have been deprecated:

  • general for Requirement, Recommendation or Permission (now requirement, recommendation or permission)

  • class for Requirements class (now requirements_class)

  • verification for Conformance test (now conformance_test)

  • conformanceclass for Conformance class (now conformance_class)

  • abstracttest for Abstract test (now abstract_test)