Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Generating output

To build a Metanorma document, you need to use the Metanorma command-line interface.

Depending on how you installed Metanorma, the command would either be available on your machine directly, or through a Docker container.

Invoking the Metanorma command

Here’s an example of using Metanorma to generate an HTML version of an ISO standard authored with Metanorma for ISO:

metanorma --type iso -x html my-iso-standard.adoc

Invoking through Docker container

To achieve the same with Metanorma Docker distribution, the command would look like this:

docker run -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma/ -w /metanorma metanorma/metanorma metanorma -t iso -x html my-iso-standard.adoc

More information on using the Metanorma command-line interface is available at Metanorma CLI usage.